[論文速速讀]Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification

Posted by John on 2020-05-19
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論文網址: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~./hovy/papers/16HLT-hierarchical-attention-networks.pdf


We propose a hierarchical attention network for document classification. Our model has two distinctive characteristics:
(i) it has a hierarchical structure that mirrors the hierarchical structure of documents;
(ii) it has two levels of attention mechanisms applied at the word and sentence-level, enabling it to attend differentially to more and less important content when constructing the document representation.

提出一個基於hierarchical attention architecture的模型,用於文本分類任務,abstract點出兩個特色:

  1. 使用了可以反映文章結構的的階層結構
  2. 在word level和sentence level上都使用了attention mechanism,使得在建構representation時能夠注意到比較重要的內容


Although neural-network–based approaches to text classification have been quite effective (Kim, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015; Johnson and Zhang, 2014; Tang et al., 2015), in this paper we test the hypothesis that better representations can be obtained by incorporating knowledge of document structure in the model architecture. The intuition underlying our model is that not all parts of a document are equally relevant for answering a query and that determining the relevant sections involves modeling the interactions of the words, not just their presence in isolation



First, since documents have a hierarchical structure (words form sentences, sentences form a document), we likewise construct a document representation by first building representations of sentences and then aggregating those into a document representation. Second, it is observed that different words and sentences in a documents are differentially informative. Moreover, the importance of words and sentences are highly context dependent.

可以將文章分成兩個階段的結構體: “由word組成的sentence”和”由sentence組成的document”。HAN透過先建構sentence-level的representation,再將這些組合成一個document的presentation。


  1. 不同的word跟sentence在文章中具有不同的資訊量
  2. word和sentence的重要性很大程度上取決於上下文

Hierarchical Attention Networks


  • word sequence encoder
  • word-level attention layer
  • sentence encoder
  • sentence-level attention layer

GRU-based sequence encoder


GRU的new state:

其中candidate state$\tilde h_t$透過下面這項來更新:

不同於LSTM,GRU只用了reset gate $r$和 update gate $z$,這兩個gate的更新如下:

Hierarchical Attention

Word Encoder

將word $x$做word embedding後,透過一個雙向的GRU得到encoding後的vector:

Word Attention

進行一次transformation,然後透過一個content vector $u_w$來進行attention,這裡的可以被視為a high level representation of a fixed query “what is the imformative word” over the words like that used in menory networks

產生出來的$s$就是sentence vector

Sentence Encoder


Sentence Attention


Document Classification

最後透過Sentence Attention可以得出一個document vector,經過一層transformation後接softmax,用cross entropy去分類文章。



在多個datasets上測試,這些dataset主要分成兩種類型: sentiment estimation and topic classification

  • 80% training, 10% validation, 10% testing
  1. Yelp reviews(有三年,一年一個)
  2. IMDB reviews
  3. Yahoo answers
  4. Amazon reviews

Model configuration and training

  • 使用Stanford’s CoreNLP (Manning et al., 2014)切sentence和word
  • word2vec做word embedding, dimension=200
  • frequency小於5的換成
  • GRU dimension=50
    • 所以biGRU就會是100
  • word/sentence context vector dimension=100
  • batch size=64
  • optimizer use SGD

Results and analysis

The experimental results on all data sets are shown in Table 2. We refer to our models as HN-{AVE, MAX, ATT}. Here HN stands for Hierarchical Network, AVE indicates averaging, MAX indicates max-pooling, and ATT indicates our proposed hierarchical attention model. Results show that HNATT gives the best performance across all data sets

同時也比較了階層架構下使用averaging, max-pooling和HAN的效果,總之


Context dependent attention weights


因為word的重要性很大部分取決於上下文,沒有注意力機制的模型可能會將word獨立的去進行判斷,但是就如’good’仍然會出現在評分低的評論中(例如只對部分產品感到滿意,或是用了否定句: ‘not good’),此時這些模型就無法work的很好。不過就如下圖看到的,在HAN中並不會出現這個狀況。


Visualization of attention
