[論文速速讀]Attention-based LSTM for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification

Posted by John on 2020-05-25
Words 966 and Reading Time 4 Minutes
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論文網址: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D16-1058.pdf


Aspect-level sentiment classification is a fine-grained task in sentiment analysis.

這篇文章透過attention mechanism來加強LSTM的Aspect-level sentiment classification,中文我暫且稱作觀點層級的情感分析。

In this paper, we reveal that the sentiment polarity of a sentence is not only determined by the content but is also highly related to the concerned aspect. For instance, “The appetizers are ok, but the service is slow.”, for aspect taste, the polarity is positive while for service, the polarity is negative.





The main contributions of our work can be summarized as follows:

  • We propose attention-based Long Short-Term memory for aspect-level sentiment classification. The models are able to attend different parts of a sentence when different aspects are concerned. Results show that the attention mechanism is effective.
  • Since aspect plays a key role in this task, we propose two ways to take into account aspect information during attention: one way is to concatenate the aspect vector into the sentence hidden representations for computing attention weights, and another way is to additionally append the aspect vector into the input word vectors.
  • Experimental results indicate that our approach can improve the performance compared with several baselines, and further examples
    demonstrate the attention mechanism works well for aspect-level sentiment classification.


Attention-based LSTM with Aspect Embedding

Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)


LSTM with Aspect Embedding (AE-LSTM)

Aspect information is vital when classifying the polarity of one sentence given aspect. We may get opposite polarities if different aspects are considered.
To make the best use of aspect information, we propose to learn an embedding vector for each aspect.

因為Aspect很大程度會影響句子的polarity,所以他們提出針對每一個aspect都訓練一個embedding vector。

  • 注意到這裡的aspect會在之後的task一起train

$v_{\alpha_i}\in \mathbb{R}^{d_\alpha}$是aspect $i$的embedding,$d_{\alpha}$是dimension

$A\in \mathbb{R}^{d_{\alpha}\times|A|}$是所有的embeeding matrix


Attention-based LSTM (AT-LSTM)


  • $H \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times N}$, 是LSTM的hidden vector
  • 是某個aspect的embedding

接下來的公式有點難打啊,可以去看原文,不過看架構圖也大致理解了他怎麼做的: 在原先LSTM架構中concat某個特定的aspect embedding,然後去做attention


其實看架構圖會更容易理解,或是要注意到原文的這個例子$v_\alpha \otimes e_N= [v;v;…;v]$,其實就是架構圖的每個$h$都會跟$v$做concat的意思而已)

做完attention得到了$r$,然後再接了一個transformation得到最後的representation $h^{*}$,值得一提的是,這裡的tranformation不是一個簡單的FC,他長下面這樣:

他多加了一項$W_x h_N$,因為他們發現這樣做效果會比較好(*´・д・)?


Attention-based LSTM with Aspect Embedding (ATAE-LSTM)

剛剛在hidden layer concat了aspect的embedding,那為何input layer不行?




然後你就可以去看給定aspect下句子的attention score

