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論文速速讀系列是從今年四月開始,我開始寫一些論文的中文讀書筆記,還記得第一篇是[論文速速讀]ReZero is All You Need: Fast Convergence at Large Depth,之後發現儘管自己已經陸續產出了幾篇文章,可是好像都沒正式的跟大家介紹這系列文章的由來xD










[UVA10300]Ecological Premium

German farmers are given a premium depending on the conditions at their farmyard. Imagine the following simplied regulation: you know the size of each farmer’s farmyard in square meters and the number of animals living at it. We won’t make a difference between different animals, although this is far from reality. Moreover you have information about the degree the farmer uses environment-friendly equipment and practices, expressed in a single integer greater than zero. The amount of money a farmer receives can be calculated from these parameters as follows. First you need the space a single animal occupies at an average. This value (in square meters) is then multiplied by the parameter that stands for the farmer’s environment-friendliness, resulting in the premium a farmer is paid per animal he owns. To compute the nal premium of a farmer just multiply this premium per animal with the number of animals the farmer owns.


[UVA10282]Babelfish - 為什麼Map的Key不能用Char?

You have just moved from Waterloo to a big city. The people here speak an incomprehensible dialect of a foreign language. Fortunately, you have a dictionary to help you understand them.


[UVA10281] Average Speed

You have bought a car in order to drive from Waterloo to a big city. The odometer on their car is broken, so you cannot measure distance. But the speedometer and cruise control both work, so the car can maintain a constant speed which can be adjusted from time to time in response to speed limits, traffic jams, and border queues. You have a stopwatch and note the elapsed time every time the speed changes. From time to time you wonder, “how far have I come?”.

To solve this problem you must write a program to run on your laptop computer in the passenger seat.


[UVA10279]Mine Sweeper

The game Minesweeper is played on an n by n grid. In this grid are hidden m mines, each at a distinct grid location. The player repeatedly touches grid positions. If a position with a mine is touched, the mine explodes and the player loses.

If a position not containing a mine is touched, an integer between 0 and 8 appears denoting the number of adjacent or diagonally adjacent grid positions that contain a mine. A sequence of moves in a partially played game is illustrated below.

Here, n is 8, m is 10, blank squares represent the integer 0, raised squares represent unplayed positions, and the gures resembling asterisks represent mines. The leftmost image represents the partially played game. From the rst image to the second, the player has played two moves, each time choosing a safe grid position. From the second image to the third, the player is not so lucky; he chooses a position with a mine and therefore loses. The player wins if he continues to make safe moves until only m unplayed positions remain; these must necessarily contain the mines.

Your job is to read the information for a partially played game and to print the corresponding board.




因為學測國文採計而非常吃虧的我 好險面試過程還不壞…

摁…不說廢話了 面試場所長這個樣子 是3對3的形式 總共20分鐘

一直微笑的教授1號 看不到臉的教授2號 沒什麼特徵的教授3號
面試1號 面試2號

中間大約隔了一大張桌子的距離 為什麼會說看不到臉的教授…因為他被電腦檔住了

而1號2號…雖然這樣說有點無禮 但在整個過程中他們真的帶給了我蠻大的歡樂..



因為高雄大學資工面試的資料真的太少了(我只找到兩筆..) 因此決定來造福一下學弟妹…



裏頭有六張椅子 + 一個功率非常高的冷氣不斷的吹你… 之後一批三個進去另外一個房間 房見內有3個辦公事 裡面住著3個BOSS…

不是…是教授 每一間你有7分鐘的攻略時間 時間到了門外會有學長將你強制登出(敲門- -)

