對於Machine Learning / Deep Learning,常會根據Task的不同而使用不同的Evaluation Metrics,例如MAE、MSE、RMSE…等等,在sklearn中當然也提供了function讓user能夠快速地進行計算,比方說如果想要算MAE的話可以這樣寫:
1 | from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error |
透過呼叫sklearn.metrics下的mean_absolute_error()來進行計算,但如果仔細看sklearn的document的話會發現在scoring parameter下有一些奇怪的名詞,例如:
- neg_mean_absolute_error
- neg_mean_squared_error
- neg_mean_squared_log_error
- neg_median_absolute_error
All scorer objects follow the convention that higher return values are better than lower return values.
也就是說,這裡的所有scorer obj都被定義為分數越高越好,所以對於一些分數越低越好的評估標準(MAE、MSE…)就要加上一個負號反過來。
The sklearn.metrics.log_loss is an implementation of the error metric as typically defined, and which is as most error metrics a positive number. In this case, it is a metric which is generally minimized (e.g. as mean squared error for regression), in contrast to metrics such as accuracy which is maximized. The ‘neg_log_loss’ is a hence a technicality to make create a utility value, which allows optimizing functions and classes of sklearn to maximize this utility without having to change the function’s behavior for each metric (such include for instance named cross_val_score, GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV, and others).
簡而言之,一般在做cross vaildation的時候會透過迴圈讓他自己去跑固定value range內的參數,然後去比較究竟哪一個參數的loss(或是score)越大越好,注意到在sklearn的相關方式實作都是以越大越好做為比較值,所以這裡就呼應到上述為什麼需要把一些metrics的正負翻轉過來了,例如下面的例子,在cross_val_score中指定”neg_mean_absolute_error”的scoring:
1 | from sklearn import svm, datasets |
而最後要注意的是,雖然scoring object是negative的,但在sklearn.metric下的function仍然是正常的定義,不要搞混了!