Given a list of rectangles and a list of points in the x-y plane, determine for each point which figures (if any) contain the point.
There will be n(
) rectangles descriptions, one per line. The first character will designate the type of figure (``r’’ for rectangle). This character will be followed by four real values designating the x-y coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners. The end of the list will be signalled by a line containing an asterisk in column one. The remaining lines will contain the x-y coordinates, one per line, of the points to be tested. The end of this list will be indicated by a point with coordinates 9999.9 9999.9; these values should not be included in the output. Points coinciding with a figure border are not considered inside.
For each point to be tested, write a message of the form:
Point i is contained in figure j
for each figure that contains that point. If the point is not contained in any figure, write a message of the form:
Point i is not contained in any figure
Points and figures should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the input.
Posted by John on